Keith Richard’s speed writing exercise

Matthew Mankin
1 min readMar 5, 2021

Keith Richards is a rock star through and through. He’s been there, done that and has the t-shirt to prove it. In his interview with Fresh Air with Terry Gross, he pulled the curtain back a bit and expanded on some of his previous stories and gave some insight into how the magic happened. A man who’s never satisfied wrote subjectively one of the biggest rock and roll songs of all time “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” and just how did he come up with it; well, he dreamt it, of course. Some people are chosen for the life they live, and well, it seems like Mr. Richards may be one of those kinds of guys. On the flip side of dreaming about all-time great songs, Richards had his fair share of fun with women whether he liked it or not. Richards reflected on a time when a couple of teenage girls got a bit too handsy and made him miss the bands’ car. Richards said, “Silly me, I was wearing a chain around my neck, and one chick from the left got ahold of one side, and some chick from the right got the other side. I woke up in the garbage can seeing the Stones’ car zooming off in the horizon.” Richards believes that the Rolling Stones are here to grow rock and roll and see where it can go.

Interview sourced from: Keith Richards: The ‘Fresh Air’ Interview : NPR



Matthew Mankin

My passion is sports and anything that involves competition. My goal is to become a respected writer who tells it like it is regardless of repercussions.